How to Scrape Zillow Listings to CSV with No Code

JG - November 3, 2022

If you're looking to buy a short or long term rental property or trying to understand a specific real estate market, Zillow is a great source of information. Collecting the data can be a pain but here is a way to scrape Zillow's listings and get that information in CSV form without any code or technical knowledge.

The process requires the Google Chrome browser and the Z Real Estate Scraper Chrome Extension. The extension is an app that works with the browser and allows you to interact with the Zillow website in an automated way. Working with the extension is super easy with basically zero learning curve. Read on to learn more.

After installing the Chrome Extension

You can find the extension in your browser by navigating to "chrome://extensions/" in the address bar of your browser.

To pin the extension for easy access, click on the puzzle icon at the top right, scroll down to the Z Real Estate Scraper Extension, and click the pin button.

Start scraping the listings

The first step is to navigate to the Zillow website and search for some listings. You could search for an address, zip code or city. Once you see the listing results (the page looks like this), click on the Z Real Estate Scraper extension icon at the top right of the browser:

The extension popup is super simple. You can only do 3 things: scrape, clear, or download the data. Scraping just means to extract the Zillow listings in an automated way. Clearing the data deletes what was previously scraped, and downloading the data saves a CSV file.

Next, you can simply click the "Scrape" button, the extension will load all the listings for you, and, after a few seconds, you will see the information of the scraped listings in the popup like this:

Each page's listings will have a maximum of 40 listings to scrape. To add to your scraped listings, navigate to the next page, load all the listings by scrolling down, and click "Scrape" again. This will add another 40 listings to the listings from the previous page.

Download the listings data

Once you've finished scraping, to download the data just click the "Download" button. Save the CSV file onto your computer in a directory that you choose.

The data is organized by date, address, price, number of beds and baths, square footage, the link to the actual listing page where you can view more details, and the price per square feet.

Scraping another location

To start scraping for more results but for another location, just clear the data by clicking the "Clear Data" button. That will remove all the presently scraped listings allowing you to start from scratch.

Interested? Download the Chrome Extension here.

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